Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day on the beach

The whole family celebrated Mother's Day in Doran Beach in Bodega Bay, northwest of San Francisco. It was cloudy with a cool breeze. The children played in the freezing water then running away laughing from the chasing waves. They played baseball, volleyball, dug holes, built castles and all sorts of figures, took walks and ate all sorts of food.

(photo: our son and daughter  inside the half tent, my wife in peach and our dauhter-in-law in khaki, one of our grandsons lying down covered with towels)

The adults enjoyed playing with the children and other times simply watched them play.  We talked to strangers who came ashore in their canoes filled with crab traps with some dungeness and rock crabs. We talked to the kite flyers. We took the children walking to the jetty where some people casting fisherman lines but a small basket at the end instead of hooks. The lines were for crabs. Something new we thought.

(photo: three of our grandchildren)

At about 5 in the afternoon the sun came out bright. The children removed their sweatshirts and continued playing their games.

An extraordinary day. It's Mother's Day.

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