Sunday, June 3, 2012

Meditation from Thais

When I was in college I  had no ear completely for classical music. I had a roommate in the boarding house who mentored me on music appreciation. That was how I discovered Beethoven.
But one of my earliest memories of classical music before I heard Beethoven was listening to Meditation from Thais by Jules Massenet on the radio. I kept on returning to that  music to lift myself,  at certain times,  when I was lonely.
Someone pieced together  a video of 7 women violinists performing Meditation from Thais and showed it on youtube. Here is the link:
Massenet's Meditation from Thais played by a Dream Team of 7 beautiful lady violinist :-
1. Leila Josefowicz 莱拉.约瑟芙维茨
2. Mayuko Kamio 神尾真由子
3. Anne-Sophie Mutter 安妮.索菲.穆特
4. Nicola Benedetti 妮可拉‧班内迪提
5. Marina Chiche 玛丽娜•齐琪
6. Janine Jensen 珍妮.扬森
7. Sarah Chang 莎拉•张 


Mamun said...

Very interesting post, I really like it. I totally agree with you that to do lists in meditation are regular motivation for yourself

Mamun said...

Nice post
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