The sun burst from behind the clouds and my sweatshirt became unnecessary during my walk to the river this morning.The father told me his ten year son was still learning how to cast. He had one fish that got away this morning and now was waiting for a big bite. An old fisherman, who looked like an Oxford professor smoking a pipe, was more circumspect said, "just passing a good time.”
We went to the tire shop where Michelin tires were on sale for the tire change of our car.
After the presentation we went grocery shopping with our daughter and with her first grader and 6th grader who goes to the same school and allowed to leave her PE class and to attend her brother’s and first graders’s musical extravaganza.
Then back to the car shop to wait for our car. Cheri and I brought our books. She reads Never Say Die by Susan Jacoby, the book for discussion, for her annual reunion with her 5 college friends next month in Sedona, AZ.I brought along Charles Darwin’s Voyage of the Beagle.
We returned home 2 1/2 hours ago.
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