The door is closed, street deserted. Grapes hang on the trellis across the whole span of the street.

With Burning Hearts, Meditation on the Eucharistic Life by Henri J.M. Nouwen, the book I just got from the Goodwill Store. The meditation starts with the The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35).
Nouwen introduces his essay: "The Eucharistic event reveals the deepest human experiences, those of sadness, attentiveness, invitation, intimacy, and engagement.It summarizes the life we are called to live in the name of God.Only when we realize the rich network of connections between the Eucharist and our life in the world can the Eucharist be 'worldly' and our life 'Eucharistic' ".
I find Henri Nouwen's work to be so profound. I took a doctorate level course at Wheaton College once, on grieving as a matter of fact, and he was quoted quite often throughout that class. The professor said, "We like to call him our patron saint." I think he was only half jesting.
Bellezza-Henri Nouween writes spiritual books. One of the books he wrote was The Genesee Diary-A journal he wrote while in a Trappist monastery for seven months.
One of the books he brought with him was Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.So many months before I have tried to read that book 3 times and could not go through with it.
Because Henri Nouween was reading it I thought there might be something I was missing. I started reading it again and could not put it down. Now I re-read that Zen and the Art of Motorcycle maintenance now and then and I give a copy of that books to some of my friends who have not read it.
This is one of the ways (from certain authors) I find
the books that I read.
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