from Sea-Cat and Dragon King:
“Sea-Cat’s mother worried because looked like a wet hearthrug and always catching chills. But Sea-Cat’s mother loved to knit. Sea-Cat used to go about the ocean bottom collecting skeins of seaweeds.... Then she down in her rocking chair and knitted and embroidered everything into a closely fitting, elegantly tailored, wonderfully complicated, waterproof, decorative, scintillating catsuit for Sea-Cat to wear...Sea-Cat shone like a wet star...The Dragon King was Lord of the Ocean...He was as ugly as he was old...”
“”Why do you want my beautiful suit?”
“If I wear your beautiful suit, I will become as beautiful as you.”
“I can never give away my catsuit because my mother knitted it for me and I could never give away my mother’s present, because she knitted it for me with love.”
Then the Dragon King began to cry...cries tears of rubies...”
I remembered I have an old book by Tobias Hill-The Love of Stones- and it is about jewels, rubies.
It opens: “Years before his murder on the Bridge of Montereau, Duke the Fearless of Burgundy commissioned a jewel called the Three Brethren. It was the shoulder-knot of a cloak, a triangle of stones connected by crude spurs of gold. It was wide as a piece of armour across the collarbone. The jewel gained its name from the three balas rubies, which were identical in every way.”
The setting at the beginning of the novel is Istanbul, Turkey.
I have to read this book-The Love of Stones-together with the other books from the library. I know which one has the edge at the moment.
All the photos were taken from the top of Galata Tower.